Saturday, May 02, 2009

Example RSRA's from the Verde Valley, AZ

Examples RSRA's:
(Indicator scores are 1 - 5; 5 is highest)

Lower Camp Verde SRP

Water Quality
1.Algal Growth: 1
2.Channel Shading, Solar Exposure: 2

= 1.5

Hydrogeomorphology (Stream Form)
3.Floodplain Connection and Inundation: 1
4.Vertical Bank Stability: 4
5.Hydraulic Habitat Diversity:5
6.Riparian Area Soil Integrity: 5
7.Beaver Activity: 4

= 3.8

Fish/Aquatic Habitat
8.Riffle-Pool Distribution: 2
9.Underbank Cover: 2
10.Cobble Embeddedness: 2
11.Aquatic Macro-invertebrate Diversity: 5
12.Large Woody Debris: 2
13.Overbank Cover and Terrestrial Invertebrate Habitat: 5

= 3

Riparian Vegetation
14. Lower Riparian Zone Plant Community Structure and Cover: 3
15. Upper Riparian Zone Plant Community Structure and Cover: 3
16. Shrub Demography and Recruitment: 3
17. Tree Demography and Recruitment: 4
18. Non-native Herbaceous Plant Species: 2
19. Non-native Woody Plant Species: 4
20. Mammalian Herbivory (Grazing) Impacts on Ground Cover: 5
21. Mammalian Herbivory (Browsing) Impacts on Shrubs and Small Trees: 1

= 3.125

Terrestrial Wildlife Habitat
22. Shrub Patch Density: 3
23. Mid-Canopy Patch Density: 4
24. Upper Canopy Patch Density: 3
25. Fluvial Habitat Diversity: 4


Overall Average: 3.0

Agua Fria River Below Horseshoe Ranch
Water Quality: 2, 2 = 2
Hydrogeomorphology: 1,4,5,4,1 = 3
Fish/Aquatic Habitat: 3,2,3,5,2,4 = 3.17
Riparian Vegetation: 2,3,3,3,1,5,5,5 = 3.375
Terrestrial Wildlife Habitat: 2,4,2,3 = 2.75

Overall Average: 2.8

Lower Clear Creek

Water Quality: 1,2 = 1.5
Hydrogeomorphology: 1,4,5,5,4 = 3.8
Fish/Aquatic Habitat: 2,2,2,5,2,5 = 3
Riparian Vegetation: 3,3,3,4,2,4,5,1 = 3.1
Terrestrial Wildlife Habitat: 3,4,3,5 = 3.75

Overall Average: 3.0

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